Wednesday, September 12, 2007


We had a good discussion in our Shared Experience meeting about the relativity of truth. I do not espouse the idea of moral relativism and believe that there are absolute truths. I appreciated our discussion, because since then I have been thinking about the fact that even though absolute truth exists, we may sometimes err in thinking that because we are aware of and believe in a truth that our actions are in alignment with that truth.

As in most areas in life, when it comes to absolute truth, the errors come in the application. When we see a thing, we assume that we are seeing it correctly, when in reality we have filtered it through the lens of our experiences and beliefs and made it into something that is only real to us. We get in trouble (at least I do) when I project my “truth” onto someone else and not only expect them to see it, but to abide by it.

I think (here I go, with my own version of the truth again…) this is one of the fundamental problems with communication- that when we speak to someone, we expect that they hear what we say. They do not hear what we say they hear words that they filter through their own lens and then nod politely as if they actually understood what we were getting at.

I really like the quote- “ The problem with communication is that we think it has actually taken place.” With my new learning I will try to do two things…
1- be more tolerant of other people’s truths.
2- assume less in communication. It is very hard to over-communicate, and being busy, I too often err on the side of just expecting that the other person understood- understand?

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